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BWFs Available

This page is for cars that anyone has for sale, or for trade. Post a picture of the car, or a list of them, here. Put either the price you are asking for it, or what you are looking for in trade for it. When the item is traded or sold and is no longer available, please add a comment letting everyone know that the car is no longer available please.


  1. I need to go down to the basement into my "extras" box, and make a list of what I have available. There's a whole mish-mash of cars, from Johnny Lightnings to some obscure "no-name" brands.

    I'll have this done in a day or two.

    Meanwhile, get your lists ready and post them here!

  2. Okay, I went to the basement, and found my box of extras. I had the contents listed on my previous computer, but lost it when the hard drive crashed, so I'll have to find the time to sort through the box and relist what's in it, which I'll do soon.

    I may just take pictures of the cars and post the pictures, so everyone can SEE the cars and not just read what they are.

  3. Not sure why - obviously, no accounting for taste - but I have a ton of the last couple BWF releases still in my store. If you need a newer one, let me know.


  4. Sorry, just realized I wasn't signed on in the above post. That was from me!

  5. Congratulations on your site. I have been collecting diecast for years and I have focused on BWFs for the last 5 years. I mainly focus on hotwheels now but started out focusing on the older Jl regular and whitelightning bwfs.

    I look forward to visiting the site on a regular basis.

  6. Thanks for joining us, cprathe. I've seen you on the boards and look forward to getting to know you better here!

    Post your "wants" over on the other page and see if anyone here can help you.

  7. I have several I still need to get together, but life's been a little hectic of late. Probably next week I'll be able to compile a list.
