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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Swap 'N Sell still pending!

I can't tell you all how geeked up I am about getting this project going, it's going to give a clear and great purpose to this already neat blog! Posting "wants" and "extras" and pics of each and building each other's collections is going to be HUGE!!!!

I still need to do a bit more research into how this will be physically set up here, and unfortunately this past week has seen me super-busy. We spent four days in New Hampshire helping Lucy's son move, and when we came home, Lucy put those four days of HGTV to work by deciding we (I!) were going to completely paint the living room ..... NOW. Should be done soon, and I hopefully will have a few free days to sort through this and get this part of the blog up and running.

Meanwhile, everybody start taking an inventory of the BWF's that you will have available for sale or for trading, and make a list of the cars you may be looking to add, as well.

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