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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Try again - JL BWF Chevy Nomads

I am trying how to post images here, so here goes again.

Cheers. Cobra


  1. Gerry, there should be a way to post the Photobucket URL for each page into the photo insertion box when you're posting a new thread, and have the actual photos appear here instead of a link. I'll have to work on that and figure it out.

    Has anyone already done this sucessfully and can tell Gerry how it's done?

  2. Rich, I got my blogger son to explain it to me.
    I got it to work.
    I will have to try it again a couple times to make sure that I have it figured out.
    He walked me through it a couple times.
    The images did NOW APPEAR.
    So there is some hope for me.
    Fun stuff, too!

    Cheers. Cobra

  3. Nice variations you've got here, keep them coming! =)

  4. I'll bet if someone were to contact Jef Koh, he'd have a pretty good idea of when these came out.... and how they came to be done in the first place!

  5. Black With Flames (Rich), I believe that Jeff Koch was totally responsible and instrumental in the first place for the creation and implementation of the ORIGINAL BWF concept on Johnny Lightning castings while employed by Playing Mantis.
    That was also in the days of Hot Rod Al at PM.
    We have discussed this subject in the past at and probably Hobby Talk even before that.
    The one comment that I will make in regards to the whole BWF pandemic:
    "bless his heart".

    Cheers. Cobra
